Already have your GED or High School diploma? If you are looking to improve your opportunity to grow in your abilities and your career, we can help. Many careers require experience in the field or specialized training. Your job will be to let us know what you would like to pursue; our job will be to make sure that you are presented with all of the options and services that you need to achieve the goals that you already set for yourself. We recognize that adults returning to school or making a career change can be overwhelming; let us help you find the excitement in extending your opportunities!
Highlights of last year’s career readiness offerings:
Work readiness classes focusing on how to get a job (resume assistance, cover letter assistance, etc.)
- Our Dunsmuir location offers Forestry Technician classes
- Our Butte Valley location offers Welding and Culinary classes
- Our Yreka location partners with the DRC and jail to offer workforce preparation
- Multiple sites offer commercial and bus driver training courses
- Multiple sites offer bootcamps in web design, Google applications, Microsoft Excel or Microsoft Word
- Please give us a call to find out when these awesome programs are available! (530)938-3231